Sunday, February 5, 2017

Lyric Video Julian Jordan x CHOCO - Always

Lyric And Video Julian Jordan x CHOCO - Always

Julian Jordan x CHOCO - Always

Is it easy to replace me?
Is she what you wished for?
Ruined us and gave up quick

But I marked your soul
And she may be the new one to your games
I've been there before
I've been there before
She'll never be me
No she'll never be me
So go on home like you had me all the time
You're gonna tell her all your pretty little lies
But you'll always miss me
You'll always miss me
(Me, me)
You'll always miss me
(Me, me)

Tell me was it all worth it
Is she shaping now
I can tell you will regret it
Shit ain't that enough
Saying that she had you change your ways
I've been there before
I've been there before
She ain't gonna be me
No, she's never gonna be me
So go on home like you had me all the time
Pretend all you like
But we both know your heart's still mine
You'll always miss me
You'll always miss me
(Me, me)

You'll always miss me
You'll always miss me
You'll always miss me

Note : This Blog Not Provide Download Link

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